Tuesday, June 9, 2009

avery & brynsley

my sweet baby girl, avery, is turning two next week... two. i think she is officially under the title of a toddler now and no longer a baby... but not in my eyes. after at least 500 clicks.. i managed to pull off a few shots of my little miss. can't get enough of her, just love her to pieces!

my good friend {and also photographer} has a little girl who is eighteen months, brynsley and avery are destined to be best friends. we found some crazy locations and decided to try them out with our little ones, it was quite the ordeal getting these two to leak a smile.. but i think we managed.
i love this one! their little tongues, concentrating so hard. sweetness.


Davenports said...

LOVE THEM!!! Thanks for taking me out there. It was so fun! Even if we did almost die of allergies! I'm still trying to recover. LOL! Our girls better be best friends..they are just too dang cute together not to be!

carlen said...

these are AMAZING, jenni! i absolutely love the one of the girls by that great rusty shed! the coloring is magical!